Thursday, January 18, 2018

Blog Post 3.2 - "25th Amendment"

  1. The cabinet and vice president would simply have to put it in writing that they think the president is mentally unfit and send that to two people: the Speaker of the House and the Senate president pro tempore. 
  2. It takes nine people to remove the president: the vice president and eight cabinet members. 
  3. The president can dispute the cabinet and vice president, and if he does so, Congress votes on the matter. The vice president remains acting president if he gets 2/3 of the vote of both houses of Congress. 
  4. John F. Kennedy's assassination made Congress make an official plan for presidential succession. 
  5. Before the 25th Amendment, the VP office would simply remain vacant if it became so during a term. 
  6. There is no elaboration on what it means for the president to be unable. It could mean physical or mental health, or it could simply entail poor character or disagreement. 
  7. To make the decision to remove the president, the vice president and cabinet would have to face the scrutiny of the public, and possibly the courts. This means they would have to document everything and provide their reasoning, so they couldn't remove the president for no reason at all. Also, since those that initiate the process are nominated by the president, they are unlikely to begin a coup. 

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