Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Blog Post - "New Sec of State??"

  1. The Senate Foreign Committee has 11 Republicans and 10 Democrats. 
  2. Since Republicans control the Senate, they get to decide committee assignments. Naturally, they will thus ensure that Republicans are the majority in every committee, but since there is only a narrow majority of Republicans then there is not going to be a huge majority in any committee. 
  3. All 10 Democrats have said they will not vote for Pompeo, and Republican Rand Paul has said the same. Unless one of them changes their mind, that means Pompeo will not get support from a majority of the committee.
  4. The GOP can still bring his confirmation vote up to the full Senate floor regardless of the committee's decision, and it will do so. He will probably squeak through the Senate because two Democrats have said they will support him, making him Secretary of State.
  5. Both of the Democrats are from states that Trump won easily, so they want to appease their voters. 
  6. He is a West Point and Harvard Law School graduate, he is an Army veteran, and he was a three-term member of Congress who won important spots on the House Intelligence Committee and the Select Committee on Benghazi. He was also the CIA Director. 
  7. He distorted intelligence about Russia during his tenure as CIA Director, and he seems to just be a Trump crony. He has also received support comparable to Tillerson, who many see as one of our worst secretaries of state ever. 

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